Contracte reinnoite
In ultima perioada au fost reinnoite doua contracte pe termen lung, cu unul din clientii nostri importanti, contracte care au ca obiect:
- Reparatiile echipamentelor de adâncime
- Confectionarea echipamentelor hidraulice de fund si servicii pentru controlul nisipului
Aceste contracte confirma înca o data seriozitatea firmei BAT Târgoviste, a produselor de calitate pe care le producem si a serviciilor de înalt nivel profesional pe care le oferim clientilor nostri traditionali si nu numai.
Lately, two long-term contracts have been renewed with one of our major clients, contracts having as object:
- Repairs of deep-ground equipment
- Manufacturing of bottom hydraulic equipment and services for sand control
These contracts confirm once again the seriousness of BAT Targoviste, the quality products we produce and the high professional services that we offer to our traditional clients.
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