Experienta îndelungata de peste 50 de ani a personalului nostru în domeniul industriei de petrol si gaze, precum si profesionalismul recunoscut pe plan national si international al angajatilor firmei, ne confera dreptul de a oferi clientilor nostri o gama larga de produse si servicii de un înalt nivel al calitatii dar si recomandarea celor mai bune solutii constructive care corespund în totalitate cerintelor acestora.
Angajamentul nostru pentru productia de calitate se realizeaza prin testarea tuturor produselor executate de noi folosind dotarile speciale ale firmei, pe bancurile de probe proprii, la un nivel înalt de precizie.
SC BAT Târgoviste SA urmareste îmbunatatirea continua a sistemului de Management al Calitatii, implementat conform ISO 9001, certificat de AEROQ, prin respectarea celor opt Principii de Management al Calitatii:
1. Orientarea catre client
2. Leadership
3. Implicarea personalului
4. Abordarea bazata pe proces
5. Abordarea managementului ca sistem
6. Imbunatatirea continua a produselor si serviciilor
7. Abordarea bazata pe fapte în luarea deciziilor
8. Relatii reciproc avantajoase cu furnizorul.
Analizând calitatea personalului nostru în corelatie cu capacitatea tehnica dar si cu preturile competitive pe care le practicam, puteti concluziona ca folosind serviciile noastre, rezultatele financiare obtinute de dumneavoastra vor înregistra economii importante.
The long experience of our oil and gas industry personnel over 50 years, as well as the national and international professionalism of the company’s employees, gives us the right to offer our clients a wide range of high-level products and services quality and recommendation of the best construction solutions that fully meet their requirements.
Our commitment to quality production is achieved by testing all the products made by us using the special equipment of the company on our own test benches at a high level of precision.
SC BAT Targoviste SA aims at the continuous improvement of the Quality Management System, implemented according to ISO 9001, certified by AEROQ, by observing the eight Principles of Quality Management:
1. Customer orientation
2. Leadership
3. Employee involvement
4. Process-based approach
5. Approach management as a system
6. Continuous improvement of products and services
7. Facts-based approach to decision-making
8. Reciprocal relationship with the supplier.
By analyzing the quality of our staff in correlation with the technical capacity and the competitive prices we are doing, you can conclude that by using our services, the financial results obtained by you will record important savings.