Viziunea si Misiunea firmei


BAT TARGOVISTE îsi propune ca pe viitor sa ramâna acelasi nume important pe piata industriei de dispozitive si piese de schimb necesare activitatilor de extragere si prelucrare a petrolului si a gazelor naturale, oferind clientilor traditionali dar si clientilor potentiali aceleasi produse de calitate dar si solutii complete, moderne si eficiente, stabilind cu acestia parteneriate de încredere si de lunga durata.

BAT Targoviste - Strung automat CNC

Strung automat CNC

BAT Targoviste - Proiectare tehnologica Autocad

Proiectare tehnologica Autocad

BAT Targoviste - Armaturi vopsite

Armaturi vopsite


Misiunea noastra principala este satisfacerea optima a cerintelor clientilor si îmbunatatirea continua a performantei generale a firmei. Ascultam doleantele clientilor si în conformitate cu tehnologiile de care dispunem si cu pregatirea profesionala a angajatilor nostri le oferim cele mai potrivite solutii, în conditii de maxima responsabilitate si seriozitate.

Totodata, pe baza observatiilor si sesizarilor primite de la clienti, urmarim îmbunatatirea continua a performantelor si a calitatii produselor si serviciilor pe care BAT Târgoviste le poate oferi acestora.

BAT Targoviste - Curatare filete

Curatare filete

BAT Targoviste - Hala atelier mecanic

Hala atelier mecanic

BAT Targoviste - Atelier probe Tuboscope

Atelier probe

In vederea dezvoltarii competentelor profesionale dar si a abilitatii de a oferi servicii de cea mai buna calitate, ne-am propus sa:

  • asiguram toate resursele necesare, inclusiv instruirea si pregatirea profesionala continua a personalului nostru
  • urmarim crearea unui mediu intern favorabil dezvoltarii, motivarii si mentinerii capitalului uman de care dispunem
BAT Targoviste - Platou reparatii masini si utilaje

Platou reparatii masini si utilaje

BAT Targoviste - Materiale de prelucrat

Materiale de prelucrat

BAT Targoviste - CTC subler electronic

CTC subler electronic

  • prevenim poluarea mediului înconjurator si sa instruim angajatii în acest scop
  • asiguram toate resursele (umane, financiare, materiale, tehnice si informationale) în vederea îndeplinirii obiectivelor propuse
  • stabilim si sa mentinem relatii reciproc avantajoase cu furnizorii si clientii nostri.

Prin natura activitatilor pe care le desfasuram în arealul firmei, suntem constienti ca generam un anumit impact asupra mediului, impact pe care reusim sa-l controlam si sa-l reducem permanent.

Ca activitati legate de mediu ar fi: procurarea de produse si servicii în vederea ocrotirii mediului înconjurator, reducerea consumului de apa, reducerea si evitarea pe cât posibil a deseurilor, optimizarea consumului de energie electrica si purtam un dialog deschis cu angajatii nostri în ceea ce priveste activitatile legate de mediu.

BAT Targoviste - Pichet PSI

Pichet PSI

BAT Targoviste - Incarcare material tubular

Incarcare material tubular

BAT Targoviste - Curtea interioara

Curtea interioara

Suntem constienti de responsabilitatea noastra sociala si consideram ca avem relatii sincere si reciproc avantajoase cu clientii, furnizorii, oficialitatile si societatea civila. Sprijinim initiativele sociale ale angajatilor nostri, atât financiar cât si prin implicare personală.

Consideratia pe care o avem pentru angajatii nostri, pentru furnizorii si clientii nostri dar si pentru actionarii firmei este si va fi întotdeauna prioritara.


Vision and Company Mission


BAT TARGOVISTE intends to remain in the future the same important name on the market of devices and spare parts for the oil and natural gas extraction and processing industry, offering traditional customers and potential customers the same quality products as well as complete solutions , modern and efficient, establishing with them reliable and long-lasting partnerships.


Our main mission is to satisfy our customers’ needs as well as to improve the overall performance of our company.

We listen to clients’ wishes and, in accordance with the technologies we have and the professional training of our employees, we offer the most appropriate solutions, under conditions of maximum responsibility and seriousness.

At the same time, based on the observations and notifications received from our clients, we are aiming for the continuous improvement of the performances and the quality of the products and services that BAT Targoviste can offer them. In order to develop professional skills and the ability to offer the highest quality services, we have proposed:

  • to provide all the necessary resources, including the continuous training and professional training of our staff
  • to aim at creating an internal environment conducive to the development, motivation and maintenance of the human capital that we have
  • to prevent environmental pollution and to train our employees for this purpose
  • to provide all the resources (human, financial, material, technical and informational) for the fulfilment of the proposed objectives
  • to establish and maintain mutually beneficial relationships with our suppliers and customers.

By nature of the activities we carry out in the field of the company, we are aware that we have a certain impact on the environment, an impact that we manage to control and reduce it permanently.

Environmental activities would be:

  • procurement of products and services to protect the environment
  • reduce water consumption
  • reduce and avoid waste as much as possible
  • optimize electricity consumption
  • have an open dialogue with our employees regarding environmental activities.

We are aware of our social responsibility and we believe we have a sincere and mutually beneficial relationship with our clients, suppliers, officials and civil society.

We support the social initiatives of our employees, both financially and by their personal involvement.

The consideration we have for our employees, our suppliers and our clients as well as the company’s shareholders is and will always be a priority.

